Usually it’s sharks you have to worry about when your lost, but bears also pose a problem when you are lost on land! Continue reading…
Coast Guard Navy Seek Sailboats Stranded Off Atlantic Coast
Here is an example where EPIRB’S are not always enough as lighted See Rescue Streamers might have helped provide the search pilots with a visual ID once the EPIRB got them to the general area. Remember, even a good size boat in rough seas looks like all the other white caps! Continue reading…
Missing Hiker Lost at Craters is Found
Sad result on the latest of 1000’s of lost hiker incidents per year. It is troubling to think how many people were “flown over” and didn’t live to tell the story. Continue reading…
Coast Guard Photo of Two Men on Capsized Boat
These guys are lucky, they went from the “flown over and eventually dead” to the “eventually spotted” category! Continue reading…