#SeeRescueStreamer got included in the Ultimate Shark Tank Gift Guide! #ABC #SharkTank https://thebeardking.com/blogs/beard-blog/the-ultimate-shark-tank-holiday-gift-guide

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#SeeRescueStreamer got included in the Ultimate Shark Tank Gift Guide! #ABC #SharkTank https://thebeardking.com/blogs/beard-blog/the-ultimate-shark-tank-holiday-gift-guide
Post-Shark Tank Interview – ABC Honolulu (*includes clips from ABC Shark Tank Network Broadcast in case you missed it) #SeeRescueStreamer #SharkTank #HardcoreInventing
Huffington Post review of Shark Tank Encounter #SeeRescueStreamer #MrWonderful @MCuban
Hardcore Inventing Book (Skyhorse Publishing, NY, NY):
Amazon Purchase – 1st Edition Original Cover
Amazon Purchase – 2nd Edition New Cover
Brainstorm Islands Book (for the creative/inventive child):
Amazon Purchase – Children’s Book
Caregivers’ Survival Guide (Skyhorse Publishing, NY, NY):
Coming Soon!
ABC’s Shark Tank promoting the April 21st encounter! #SeeRescueStreamer #HardcoreInventing #BrainstormIslands
Dr. Rob Yonover will be seen on ABC’s Shark Tank (airing April 21st)!
This time another local #SeeRescueStreamer #YouHaveToBeSeenToBeRescued story:
“Each time, McMahon and Uemoto did what they could to be seen. And each time, the potential rescue plane continued its flight without spotting them.”
Honored to have the #SeeRescueStreamer included as part of a simple emergency kit (distributed by the government) that saved 2 fisherman’s lives in the Southwest Pacific!