Shark Tank – Season 8, Episode 22 (ABC TV, reruns on CNBC)

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Facebook: RobYonover or SeeRescueStreamer
Instagram: RobYonover or SeeRescueStreamer
Linked-In Dr. Robert Yonover
SeeRescue store on SeeRescueStreamer product line in Amazon
Great news – the SpaceX launch carrying astrounauts for the first time on May 27th will also be carrying #SeeRescueStreamer‘s !
(Even though I can’t fulfill my dream of personally going into outer space to complement my inner space travel (2 miles deep in the ocean off Galapagos, I am jacked up to have my low-tech survival gear coupled with the ultimate in high-tech!)
#SeeRescueStreamer used as targets with #NATO forces – a secondary application for the technology!
Honored to have filmed a segment on @SeeRescueStreamer for @CBSinnovationNation with an incredible team, including the dynamic @AlieWard spotting me when I was “lost at sea”!
#EducationOutreach #ChaminadeUniversity #HoganEntrepreneurs #SeeRescueStreamer #HardcoreInventing #CaregiversSurvivalGuide #SafeAssociation #PacificRimChapter
Public Radio Interview Link (WLRN – South Florida) #SharkTank #SeeRescueStreamer #HardcoreInventing #CaregiversSurvivalGuide http://www.wlrn.org/post/local-scientist-analyzed-his-wifes-ms-and-wrote-caregivers-survival-guide
Check this out – I have been converted into a cartoon. Great creative art and words!
Excited and honored to have the SeeRescueStreamer offered in the Grainger catalogue – the largest Business to Business (B2B) catalogue in the world!