Dr. Robert Yonover
Inventor & Founder
Dr. Robert Yonover is a Ph.D. geochemist/volcanologist with a history of innovative scientific contributions, technologies and patents. His Ph.D. work includes multiple ALVIN submersible dives to two miles deep off the Galapagos Islands to retrieve submarine lava samples, with laboratory work performed at NASA Johnson Space Center and MIT.
A North Shore big wave surfer and Molokai Channel rough-water fisherman, Dr. Yonover uses the ocean as his laboratory. He has invented a multitude of survival technologies that were awarded U.S. Military/DARPA funding and U.S. Patents, including:
- The military-approved SeeRescue® Streamer
- Pocket Floatation technology
- Portable Emergency DeSalinator
- Video Search and Rescue (vSAR) technology
- Inflatable Rescue Board
- The Inflatable Paddleboards used worldwide.
Dr. Yonover’s media credits include appearances on CNN, PBS, Discovery Channel, and he is the author of Hardcore Inventing and Brainstorm Islands. Dr. Yonover is very active in outreach education and is driven to preserve the creative/innovative spirit of people of all ages.
For more information, see Hardcore Inventing Book (Skyhorse Publishing, NY) and Brainstorm Islands Book (for the creative/inventive child).
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